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Kodak 320 Tri-XP 8X10 / 10 Sheets
Vendor # 817-9707
Our Price: $209.15

Stock Status: In stock

Availability: Subject to availability
Product Code: 30423

Description Technical Specs
Panchromatic film especially suited to low-flare interior tungsten or flash lighting. Vendor Part # 8179707
A longtime favorite for its beautiful tonal range and classic, cinematic look, this is one of the all-time great emulsions. Features a wide exposure latitude, excellent gradation and brilliant highlights and an ISO of 320. It offers medium contrast with a moderate degree of enlargement. In all sorts of shooting conditions, it yields negatives that are easy to print. The film is available with a 7-mil ESTAR Thick Base (sheets), and has a retouching surface on both sides. Good for corporate/industrial, editorial, fine art, general, law enforcement, and military/instrumentation photography, and for photojournalism. TRI-X Pan Professional Films have an ISO speed of 320/26°, and feature excellent tone gradation and brilliant highlights. They are especially well suited to low-flare interior lighting or flash illumination. They are also useful for portraiture with low-contrast backlighting outdoors. TRI-X Pan Professional Film (TXP) is available in 120 and 220 sizes on a 3.6-mil acetate base. You can retouch this film on the emulsion or base side.

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